Animation watchface
This watch face gradually changes to highlight the current hour. The numerals are a custom font designed to fit into the edge of the display and move seamlessly from one hour to the next.
Halloween watchface with FIRE ANIMATION can start/pause/hidden, and multiple themes.
This watch face lets you track the time in 24 time zones at once, weather infomation for city represent.
This watch face lets you track the time in 24 time zones at once, weather infomation for city represent.
X3 Engine animated can control, revolutions per minute 5 -> 70 (rpm) can Speed up and slow down.(Style 1)
Current zodiac sign, sunrise, sunset, noon, digital clock 24h/12h, analog clock can hidden hands, day of the week, moon phase...
X3 Engine animated can control, revolutions per minute 5 -> 70 (rpm) can Speed up and slow down.(Style 2)
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